Monday, February 8, 2010

The Illusion of Relationships

Looking back at my life, and from conversations one has had with others.. I realized how illusionary relationships can be.
People who were your closest friends, for no apparent reason ..faded away or suddenly dropped out from your life.., and then came back in.. like the tide going out and coming back in..
And there was always a learning in each of those experiences.. a voyage of self discovery and growth...

The fading away was always very painful, as all endings are wont to be..

Joint families, where one family would not talk to another, , so much bitterness,. as is common in joint families.. and then one day even those barriers dissolved.. and there was amicability and friendship...

Friends who were not talking to each other, are now saying "let us meditate together in peace and harmony.."

Husbands and wives.. the ups and downs.. which sometimes end in ..
sometimes in acceptance of each other and a stronger bonding..
sometimes in self growth...
the list is endless ...

But what does all this show..
That relationships are never static or permanent.
That there is constant change in the dynamics of relationships...

There is PAIN, whenever there is a change..and there is no getting away from that...

There are 3 stages to deal with the pain of ,or happiness in, Relationships ..
I think..
First stage..
We go up and down on this sea saw of relationships, and view it as a game, like we did as children playing on the see saw, and play with it, saying "OK , I am sad today,and I am going to allow myself to feel the pain for awhile,
I am happy today, so let me enjoy this feeling of joy to the fullest for the moment"
being in complete awareness that both theses states are also temporary, and that they to shall pass away...

Second stage..
We realize that the very nature of relationships is like that of a sea saw, and not get to deeply affected by the ups and down ...
We realize that its all an illusion, that nothing is permanent, so don't get pulled down or ecstatic..

Third stage...
Think that there is a divine plan, and that there is a learning in it for me,that something good is going to come out of this situation, that nothing happens without a reason..and trusting in God, fill yourself up with a feeling of LOVE.. and let it radiate out ( like the sun)..sending out warmth ,caring and and love to all around you...

The benifit...simple..Instead of being awash in bitterness , sorrow, and negativity, you are filled with love, happiness and positivity..

TRY IT!! and let me know..