Sunday, September 27, 2009

Obsacles are actually Opportunities to learn..

I had often heard/read this phrase and wondered how it was possible, till I experienced it myself...
I had borrowed a dvd of Swami Chinmayanad, Atma Bodha, and had to pass it on to a study group member on Tuesday.
Today was Sunday..and to my horror I discovered that the T.V. was not working, and being Sunday, there was no way it could be repaired , and tomorrow was Dussera, another holiday..

How do i see your dvd ..

I prayed to the Gods, and somehow I had this firm belief that I would see I waited for the day to unfold and to see if my belief would manifest into reality.
The children said that it was not possible on their laptops, my computer was not reading the dvd.
I smsd a friend to see if I could borrow an old laptop of hers, and she replied that hers was spoilt, so now what?

Then my daughter came up with an idea, of using an external drive on our computer, which was fine, but then the mouse was not working..
She then told me to remove the printer and attach the mouse in its place...which I did using my common sense..since I was unaware of how the hardware got attached etc...and hey presto, I had the dvd working on my computer...

Lessons learnt..
1) That I had common sense, and by using it , any problem can be solved..
2) More important, when you deeply believe that God will make something happen, He only have to have the faith and patience...

P.S. I enjoyed myself immensly, watching the dvd on my computer for as long as I wanted, which was a better option than being able to watch it on the family T.V, where I would get limited time to watch , since everbody loves the T.V....

As a friend said, you only have to take the first step in the dance....and then experience Him leading you into the most perfect waltz...which I did!!

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