Friday, August 21, 2009


I was walking along the beach at Goa, in my newly purchased rubber slippers, flirting with the tide at the water's edge. I'd stand get my feet wet, and then come running out...

Next time I'd go a little deeper into the water,and then a little deeper...

AND... before I knew it, one of my slippers got washed out from under my feet.
When I bent down to pick it, I lost my balance, and the other one went too!!

Patiently I stood, looking out at the sea, hating the idea of doing the long trek back on the dirty beach...
As I stood looking ,enjoying the play of the waves..what do I see?
One of my slippers come bobbing back to me...I pick it up and wait, convinced that the other will come back to, and sure enough it does!!

Which made me reflect...That what the tide takes out, it brings back in..just have the patience to wait to receive.....
And I looked back to instances in my life.....and it was so true..

Things, events ,which when one was so distraught at their going away, were a blessing, because when the universe brought them back, one had learnt so much from their absence..

A simple example:

When one's children go away for higher studies how distraught we as parents get; yet when they return, aren't we happy with what life has made of them?

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